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2024-07-26 14:55:28 Author: 3 Pie Squared Marketing Team

Free Download! Boost Your Established ABA Practice with MarginKeepers' Essential Accounting Tips

Free Download! Boost Your Established ABA Practice with MarginKeepers' Essential Accounting Tips As a successful ABA practice owner, you already understand the critical role that efficient financial management plays in your business's ongoing growth and stability. However, even seasoned professionals can benefit from expert guidance to ensure their financial practices are optimized. This is where MarginKeepers comes in, offering specialized support tailored to the unique needs of established ABA companies. Why Accounting Best Practices Matter For any established ABA practice, maintaining a robust accounting system isn't just about keeping the books balanced—it's about leveraging your financial data to make informed, strategic decisions that propel your business forward. Here are a few reasons why adhering to best accounting practices is crucial: Financial Clarity and Insight: Proper accounting practices provide a clear picture of your business’s financial health. This clarity allows you to identify strengths, address weaknesses, and seize growth opportunities with confidence. Regulatory Compliance: ABA practices must navigate a complex landscape of regulations and compliance requirements. Adhering to best accounting practices ensures your business meets all legal obligations, avoiding costly penalties and safeguarding your reputation. Operational Efficiency: Streamlined accounting processes save time and reduce errors, allowing you and your team to focus on delivering exceptional services rather than getting bogged down by administrative tasks. Enhanced Decision-Making: Accurate financial reports and insights empower you to make strategic decisions, whether it's expanding your practice, investing in new technologies, or optimizing staff compensation and benefits. Cash Flow Management: Effective accounting practices help you monitor and manage cash flow, ensuring you have the necessary funds to cover expenses, invest in growth, and navigate financial challenges. Why Choose MarginKeepers? MarginKeepers is dedicated to helping established ABA practices like yours thrive. Here’s why partnering with MarginKeepers can make a significant difference: Expertise and Specialization: Our team understands the specific challenges faced by ABA practices. We offer tailored advice and solutions that address the unique financial management needs of your business. Comprehensive Support: From setting up a robust chart of accounts to navigating complex tax regulations, our comprehensive support covers all aspects of accounting and financial management. Personalized Approach: We know that no two ABA practices are alike. Our personalized approach ensures that the advice and strategies we provide are aligned with your specific goals and circumstances. Proactive Guidance: At MarginKeepers, we don’t just respond to your questions—we anticipate your needs. Our proactive guidance helps you stay ahead of financial challenges and capitalize on opportunities for growth. Free Download from MarginKeepers: Get Your List of Accounting Tips Ready to take your ABA practice to the next level? MarginKeepers is offering a free list of 10 Essential Accounting Tips exclusively for established ABA practice owners. These tips are designed to help you optimize your financial management, enhance compliance, and drive profitability. To receive your free list, simply email us at with the subject line, "3 Pie Squared fan would like your top ten accounting tips!" Our team will promptly send you the list, along with additional resources to help you implement these best practices in your business. Our Commitment to Ethical and Successful Practices At 3 Pie Squared, we take pride in partnering with MarginKeepers, a trusted business affiliate. To ensure the highest standards of quality and reliability, we seek references from MarginKeepers' customers and actively gather feedback from our own customers and followers who use their services. Our commitment is to provide you with top-tier support, helping you create a successful and ethical ABA practice. Trust in MarginKeepers comes from our thorough vetting process and dedication to your success.

2024-07-19 11:53:46 Author: 3 Pie Squared Marketing Team

Ethical Practices for ABA Testimonials and Reviews with Dr. Jon Bailey

Ethical Practices for ABA Testimonials and Reviews with Dr. Jon Bailey In this episode of the 3 Pie Squared - ABA Business Leaders podcast, Stephen and April discuss essential ethical practices for ABA providers with Dr. Jon Bailey, a retired professor emeritus of psychology from Florida State University. Dr. Bailey shares his extensive experience, insights on the importance of maintaining ethical standards, and answers common questions about client testimonials, informed consent, and supervision in ABA therapy. Dr. Jon Bailey is a retired professor emeritus of psychology from Florida State University, where he served on the graduate faculty for 38 years and produced a record 63 PhDs. He is a fellow of the Association for Behavior Analysis International and the American Psychological Association. Dr. Bailey has published over 100 peer-reviewed research articles, is the past chief editor of the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, and is the coauthor of 14 books, including the fourth edition of "Ethics for Behavior Analysts." He also founded the popular ABA ethics hotline, which receives hundreds of ethics questions per month from consumers and behavior analysts worldwide. Key Takeaways on this weeks Episode: 1. Client Testimonials and Ethics: Dr. Bailey emphasizes the importance of ethical considerations when asking for client testimonials. Current clients should not be solicited for testimonials to avoid manipulation. However, testimonials from former clients can be requested, provided they include a disclaimer about the nature of the testimonial and the relationship between the client and the behavior analyst. 2. Informed Consent: Informed consent is crucial when sharing client success stories or photos. Dr. Bailey advises obtaining thorough, informed consent that includes a discussion of potential risks, such as the possibility of photos being misused if posted online. Parents should be made aware of the permanence of online content and the potential for misuse on the dark web. 3. Supervision in ABA Therapy: Adequate supervision of RBTs (Registered Behavior Technicians) is essential. If RBTs are not receiving the required supervision, they should cease providing services and notify their employer. Proper supervision ensures ethical and effective practice, maintaining the integrity of ABA therapy. 4. Ethical Marketing Practices: ABA businesses should avoid unscientific claims in their marketing materials. Statements about making families happier or giving children the skills to succeed should be backed by data and presented in an aspirational manner. Transparency and honesty in marketing are key to maintaining ethical standards. Starting a practice and not sure where to start? Want to make sure you have everything needed for your established practice? Download our free start-up list here. Explore membership options with 3 Pie Squared and access exclusive resources for ABA business leaders by clicking here.

2024-07-12 10:30:01 Author: 3 Pie Squared Marketing Team

Navigating Growth and Challenges in ABA Business with Alecia Barrett

Navigating Growth and Challenges in ABA Business with Alecia Barrett Welcome to another episode of the 3 Pie Squared - ABA Business Leaders podcast! In this episode, we continue our insightful consult with Alecia Barrett from A. Barrett Academy LLC. Alecia offers a candid look into her journey of expanding her ABA practice, managing overwhelm, and balancing priorities. We discuss practical strategies for onboarding new staff, effective time management, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. A. Barrett Academy LLC is dedicated to providing top-notch Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services to families and children in Toledo, Ohio, and its surrounding areas, including Southeast Michigan. The academy's flexible service delivery options include in-home, community-based, and remote sessions, tailored to meet the unique needs and preferences of each individual and family. Alecia Barrett, a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA), also offers invaluable fieldwork experience supervision for those aspiring to achieve BCBA certification. Join A. Barrett Academy LLC in creating positive behavioral changes and empowering individuals to reach their fullest potential. Visit their website here. Navigating Growth and Challenges Alecia shares her experiences and the practical steps she has taken to manage the growth of her practice. Here are some key takeaways: Onboarding New Staff: Alecia discusses the importance of a structured onboarding process to ensure new staff are well-prepared and integrated smoothly into the practice. Time Management: Effective time management strategies are crucial in balancing client services, administrative tasks, and personal time. Alecia emphasizes the need to set firm boundaries and prioritize tasks. Work-Life Balance: Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for long-term success and well-being. Alecia shares tips on how to avoid burnout and stay grounded amidst the demands of running a practice. Starting a practice and not sure where to start? Want to make sure you have everything needed for your established practice? Download our free start-up list here. Explore membership options with 3 Pie Squared and access exclusive resources for ABA business leaders here. Alecia Barrett’s journey provides valuable insights for ABA business leaders facing similar challenges. By sharing her strategies for growth, time management, and maintaining work-life balance, Alecia offers practical advice that can help others navigate their own paths to success.


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